Case postale 41, CH 1211 Geneva 19, Switzerland
Assistance for Needy Causes in Sri Lanka
Application Form
*Before completing this form, please read the ‘Guidelines for Applicants’ carefully.
Type or print in capital letters and return the signed form to SLAG.
SLAG Member Proposing the Project |
Name: |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Signature: |
Project Information
1. General |
Project Title (if relevant): |
Beneficiary / Beneficiaries: |
Arrangement for carrying out task/s:
Responsible Person:
Contact Details: |
Alternate Responsible Person:
Contact Details:
Funds to be remitted to (give Bank details if relevant): |
Amount requested (Please state currency): |
2. Brief description of project (you may attach a detailed description): |
3. Objectives of the project for which you are applying for funds: |
4. Expected time of completion after receipt of funds: |
5. Verifiable outputs: |
6. List the items on which you will spend the funds and the estimated cost: |
7. How will expenditure and outputs be monitored: |
I certify that the above information is correct and that
our project is not receiving financial support for the same needs/items
from any government, international organisation or agency.
Should this project receive financial support from SLAG, I undertake to provide SLAG with an acknowledgement upon receipt of the funds, and a brief evaluation report of the project no later than 6 months after receiving the donation. |
Place: |
Signature: |
Date: |
Guidelines for Applicants