Summer Picnic

The Summer Picnic held on Sunday, 26th August at the Parc de Jonc in Grand Saconnex was a huge success with the participation of not only those from Geneva but also Bern and Zurich as well. To make up for the lack of a Sinhala and Tamil New Year party, several fun activities and games like coconut scraping, tug-o-war, Kotta pora, sac race were organized with prizes. Almost all of the youngsters and most of the adults showed great sporting spirit by participating in at least one event and there were smiles and cheers all round for all the games.

The BBQ which is now an integral part of the Summer Picnic was manned by many helpers which is always the case, and is a means of catching up with old friends, especially for the men. The weather was exceptionally good with sunshine and not a drop of rain and no hint of a cloud in the sky.